MO: Salvation Army Opens Extreme Emergency Cold Weather Shelter

[ – 1/29/19]

SPRINGFIELD, Mo. – The Salvation Army announced Tuesday they are opening up their extreme cold shelters due to extremely cold temperatures.

A picture ID will be required to stay overnight as there will be a Sex Offender Background Check.

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Disgusting! I’m really rather disturbed to think that someone can be brought to justice, pay their debt to society and continue to be punished? Very disturbing. How about the gang bangers, drug dealers, prostitutes and drunk drivers. My legal issue was prostitute related. I can’t hide the fact that I feel prostitutes are probably worst then registered offenders. Who is really worst? I’m presently (OC) live within 8-10 massage parlors that are located in shopping centers, near Churches, close to a school and within walking distance to nice neighbors. What kind of people do these places attract? I’m also aware that ALL 10 of these places are basically brothels! OC probably has no less than 75-100 of these establishments. LA has even more. Why aren’t people in an uproar?

Disgusting. Might as well put a sing at the door that says Sex Offenders can freeze to death for all we care.
This shit is inhumane and I didn’t see a place to leave a comment.

Betting a good handful of homeless don’t have picture IDs. Kicking them out for lack of id kinda defeats the purpose of opening the shelter to them, doesn’t it?

Wrote to the two reporters of this article and their editors directly. Tired of watching these “look how wonderful we are” stories coming out when registrants are specifically excluded.

Ladies and gentlemen, instead of kicking the can of complaining on this site, send them to the Salvation Army directly, which I will be doing. Here is their contact info.
The Salvation Army National Headquarters
615 Slaters Lane
P.O. Box 269
Alexandria, VA 22313

curious.. is this a government sponsor winter shelter run by the Salvation Army? there are known cases that if it government sponsored it means open doors for all, if it is just the Salvation Army sponsored there is repercussions.. Salvation Army got hit by alot of law suits when it discriminated against the LGBT members of the homeless community.. There is a write up somewhere where it was the judgement call of a volunteer to discriminate based on service animals, which didn’t reflect the policy of the Salvation Army… So is this a offical stance of the Salvation Army? or is it a volunteer stepping over the lines?

Perhaps, they are requiring ID at the family center only and not at the adult? Doesn’t say.

Anyone saving news articles for a future legal challenge to the registry should add this one to the list.

In addition to the hurricane shelters, registrants now can’t escape freezing to death.

The original justification for ease of access to information on those that commited a sex crime was so that the public could make their decisions based on the individual and his crime. Now it has devolved into a blanket denial from businesses, disaster services, and right to travel or live in a community no matter what the crime, circumstances, or time that had passed.

And guess what…the likelihood of a sex offender being homeless is so much higher than anyone else that it makes this particularly cruel and unusual.

This isn’t new with Salvation Army shelters as well as other rescue missions who operate shelters. It may not always be publicized they don’t accept POTRs. Having had experience with them when they open and operate shelters, this policy is standard operating procedure with them, even when they get government money to assist with operations at this time of year to make extra beds available.

“We are sorry, but because you looked at a dirty picture 15 yrs ago, we must consider you a violent risk to the other felons, psychos, and drug addicts that we let in here. We wish you the best, now go out into the sub freezing streets, and have a nice day!”

They’re starting to check for IDs when entering hospitals as well. Just another form of harassment, shunning and discrimination!

Wont give them any money. Do they ask for ID when they ring the bell etc…. sad

Does the SA run a background check on anyone dropping money into the red kettle during during the holidays? Next year I’ll be sure to deposit a note telling them to FO. If they’re willing to discriminate at levels so low it could lead to people freezing to death, they’ll never get another cent from this RC.

I heard about shelters opening for people to get out of the cold there. I thought to myself, I bet they aren’t letting registrants in. And, sure enough, registrants are excluded. They’d rather they freeze to death. How Christian and humanitarian of them.

I was wondering? do they put prostitutes on the registry? it seems that every one and everyone is on it buy never heard that? from what I heard it’s simply a citation.

I know where your heads at Will! I don’t want brothels near schools, churches and places where I shop! Yet, they do. People ruin their lives visiting these places. I also don’t want my children in these areas as well. It’s common knowledge that many are drug users, many spread STD’s and the list goes on. Your thought process is way out there and you need to look at the big picture. Facts are facts way out there!

Wow, looks like SA’s helped to kill this RSO this past week! This poor homeless rgistrant( a price club member) Andrew M. Rodiger froze to death behind a Waffle House in guess where! Springfield, MO!